Aug 23, 2021
4th Quarter E-Commerce Calendar
The last quarter of the year is fast approaching. This is the busiest season for marketers and business owners everywhere as we have gift giving holidays and festive celebrations like Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving and more in this time of the year.
This is the best time to amp up your product listings and take advantage of the marketing hype to help grow your business.
To help you save time, we have curated a 4th Quarter E-Commerce calendar for you. Originally this quarter starts on October, but you have to prepare earlier, so as a bonus, we have added a September calendar to give you a boost as to which celebrations or holidays you can make the most of to gain momentum even before Q4 starts.
Click each month to see the summary and the downloadable calendars that you can print and edit to make the most of your 4th Quarter marketing plans.
Tips on how you can fully utilize the calendar
📚 hard copy: - Download either the .PNG or .PDF file format - Print the calendar and pin it somewhere near your desk that you can easily see - Add your notes and your plans keeping in mind the approaching seasons or celebrations
💻 soft copy: - Download the .PDF format of the calendar - Open it with any pdf reader that allows you to add notes or markings - Add your marketing plans and reminders keeping in mind the up coming holidays and celebrations
🛎 Note: This calendar can be used by any type of business whether you are in an online business set up or the traditional bricks-and-mortar. Just remember to take note of the holidays that are beneficial to your business model and niche.

Key Dates:
September 6: Labor Day (holiday for Americans and Canadians)
September 8: International Literacy Day (International Observance from UNESCO)
September 12: National Grandparent’s Day (Secular Holiday celebrated in various countries)
September 18: Start of Oktoberfest (a two week annual festival held in Munich)
*although cancelled, there’s no stopping anyone in celebrating at home
September 21: International Day of Peace (International Observance from the United Nations)
September 23: First day of Fall (Official ending of the summer season and start of fall to winter for the target audience located in the Northern Hemisphere)
September 26: European day of Languages (Observance and awareness for Europeans and Language enthusiasts)
September 27: World Tourism Day (International Observance from the United Nations)
September 29: World Heart Day (International Awareness by WHO)

Key Dates:
October 1: International Coffee Day (Awareness for coffee lovers)
International Vegetarian Day ( Awareness for vegetarians)
October 2: World Smile Day (celebrated internationally)
October 4: World Animal Day (International awareness for animal lovers)
October 5: World Teacher’s Day (International celebration for teachers)
October 10: World Mental Health Day (International awareness to fight the stigma against mental health)
October 11: Thanksgiving (Canada)
October 16: Boss’ Day (Observed in various countries)
October 21: Get to Know Your Customers Day (various countries, intended for us marketers to get to know the needs and wants of our customers)
October 25: World Pasta Day (Observed in various countries for pasta enthusiasts)
October 31: Halloween (All over the world)

Key Dates:
November 1: World Vegan Day (Awareness for Vegans)
November 2: All Souls Day
November 4: Diwali (Festival of light for Hindus around the world)
November 5: Bonfire Night (Observed in UK)
November 9: World Freedom Day (International Observance)
November 11: Singles Day also know as 11/11 (Unofficial holiday and one of the biggest shopping season that is originally observed in China but is spreading across various countries)
November 19: International Men’s Day (For men around the world)
November 25: Thanksgiving (Observed by Americans)
November 26: Black Friday
November 27: Small Business Saturday
November 28: Hannukah (Jewish community around the world)
November 29: Cyber Monday

Key Dates:
December 4: National Sock Day (Unofficial holiday observed in various countries)
December 13: Green Monday (Every Second Monday of December meant as a last minute holiday gift shopping)
December 24-25: Christmas Eve and Day
December 26: Boxing Day (National Holiday for countries that are historically connected to the United Kingdom; UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa New Zealand)
December 31: New Year’s Eve
Armed and Ready for Q4!
Now that you have a broad idea of dates to take note of, it’s time to jot down your personal marketing schedule. Make sure to personalize your calendar as relevant to your niche and business model as possible.
Which of these events are you going to participate in? Do you have other dates in mind that we might have missed? Let us know in the comments below! 👇